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    Terms and Conditions
    Please read these Terms of Use before use. It is assumed that, by viewing and using this website, you agree to all these conditions.

    You are not permitted to copy, reproduce or use any contents and other information, such as product descriptions and product summaries in technical information, without prior permission.

    Our company shall not be liable for any damages or consequential damages that may arise out of using this website, including, without limitation, any accidents, computer virus infection, loss of data, or break-down affecting software and hardware of user or third parties. Please understand previously that any contents of this website may be revised without prior notice.

    Applicable Laws and Court of Jurisdiction
    Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall be exclusively the court of first jurisdiction for all disputes related to this website.

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    Our company makes no warranty of the accuracy, reliability, legality, and copyright license of the information in websites linked to from this website.

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    When linking to this website, it is requested to contact our company in advance and obtain the approval. Links to this website should point to the top pages URL ( It is strictly prohibited to link from a for-profit website or a website that contains contents deleterious to public order and morals.

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